7 is very likely to give you clipping if your sim is bigger or wearing a bigger shirt mesh because of the arm position, so please be aware of that. Pose tags below (also in pose-list description):Ī_splad_together1– this pose will stretch your sim.Ī_splad_together3– sitting on the ground.Ī_splad_together5 – this pose will stretch your sim.Ī_splad_together9 – this pose will stretch your sim.Ī_splad_together11 – this pose will stretch your sim. The stretch is solely in the calves and your sim will of course go right back to normal once you cancel the pose.
… so! The male sim is a little taller in four of these six poses. If you want to show only items from a specific pack, untick this option and select one or more packs below. imho, male, female, model, poses, sim, sims 3, titanic. Having this option ticked means to show items that are marked base-game only. This set came about because I had some bright ideas for poses but kept thinking when I was making them “Man, if only the male sim could be a little taller …” Then it finally occurred to me Hey, why don’t you make him a little taller, derp derp. Couple Poses & Animation 14 by IMHO Couple Poses & Animation Titanic 13 TS4 by IMHO.